It’s Easy Being Green, and Slutty, In Vancouver

greeeeeeeen!I was a hipster the other night, wandering Main Street with friends, when we get distracted by this “fuck me hard while I wear this revealing corset” shop on 16th.

I enjoy being slutty while trying to reclaim the word slut from those who want to shame me and my sisters and slutty brothers from enjoying doses of wild and usually inappropriate sex.

I want to head back to this shop and buy this dress and cram my ass into it and wear it with the straps constantly falling.

I want to wear it, commando, to dance at a club while loaded on fruity rum drinks. And I want my people to fondle my dress while I’m dancing. I want them to rub my ass and tits and cunt through it. I want them to reach down the top to go after a nipple periodically.

I want to go into the bathroom so one of my girls can feel me up in it while others watch how creamy I get, in part just cuz I’m in the dress. My new orgasm dress.

Then I want to go home with my friends, after meeting at least one new person [usually it’s a girl] to add to our group. At least for just the night.

And I want at least 3 people to fondle me in it.

And I want one person to suck my clit while someone else’s fingers are creaming me up.

And I want those at least 3 people to peel this dress off me and each of them, fuck me. However they wish.

And I want to sleep beside this dress. And put it on the next morning and walk around the house in it, eating breakfast and berries. And then I want a boy to lie me down on the bed, push the dress up and fuck me while I daydream of lying on a beach in south Asia looking out into the ocean at all those tall rock islands with tropical vegetation all over the top.

I want this dress to smell like my cream, other people’s cum and all my sweat and other people’s lipstick.

Then if it’s a drizzly day, I’m going to drape it over the rose bush on the balcony to freshen it up.

Then that night I will wear it to Sandbar just before the dinner rush and sit at the bar drinking rum and root beer, with my Kindle, reading and enjoying people looking at me and wanting to fuck me. I will not let any boys take me home to fuck me, but any girl who wants to try on my dress is welcome!

Then, as they say, later rinse repeat.

I fucking LOVE this dress!

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